Well, now that it is a new month, I can dig out the next project in my rotation - yeah!. But first, an update on what I accomplished in January. I was working on finishing the Gingerbread House by Victoria Sampler. I had all the stitching done, except for the beads on the biscornu. This is what I started with at the beginning of the month:
I finished all the beading on the biscornu, as well as getting the four sides of the house and the two sides of the roof glued to mat board. I even got a start on the templates for the inside walls of the house. Here is what this project looks like now:

Aren't the house pieces cute?? Even my husband had to smile when I showed him the finished pieces. While working on this project, I had a few "technical" problems. The brick that I use to make sure the pieces lie flat while the glue is drying was only big enough for one piece at a time, and I have a limited supply of straight pins. So I would be forced to stop work on the construction until the piece drying was dry and I could take the pins out to use them on one of the other pieces. During this forced stop, I decided that I would work on another FUPpy (since I was in a finishing "mood") - Victoria Sampler's "12 Days". I finished the bell pull some time ago, but still had to finish the ornaments. The ornaments were stitched and finished, except for the cording around the outside. Here are the finished ornaments that I was able to complete this month:

And now it is another month, which means a different project. After spending so much time finishing stuff, I want to get back to the fun stuff - the stitching! So this month, I'll be working on "Count Your Blessings" - another design by Victoria Sampler. Guess you could never guess how much I like Thea's designs, huh? Here is where I left off the last time I worked on the project. Let's see how far I get by the end of February - only 28 days long!
Hope everyone has a very successful stitching month!